Private Tea Classes
Embark on a journey through the wonderful world of tea! In this hour long class, our tea experts walk you through all the different kinds of tea & share how each is special & magnificent in their own way. You & your guests will be able to taste all the different teas while enjoying complimentary treats. Enjoy 15% off your entire purchase at the end of class for anything you'd like to take home!
Birthday Parties
Craft your perfect boba/tea party! We would love to host your next birthday party at the shop. Pick from any of the following ideas or bring us yours! The possibilities are truly endless we are always happy to do our best to try & make your ideas come to life!
DIY Boba Pearls
DIY Boba Slime
PYO Teapot Planter
Make your own bubble tea from loose leaf tea! Customize your drinks with different bobas, glitter, lemonade or milk, and fruits. Play games such as tea bingo & pin the cup on the saucer for prizes such as free bubble tea vouchers, boba plushies, and sweet treats!