Lavender Whipped Honey - Cloister Honey


Provence, France is famous for its rolling fields of lavender where the best, true lavender honey is produced from its nectar. We can't transport our hives to this stunning environment so our North Carolina version uses the second best thing to lavender nectar - the actual flower. Floral .. but not too floral ... open a jar and travel to the South of France.

Spread on biscuits or croissants Add to Earl Grey or Chamomile tea Great as a side to figs, pears, any blue-veined cheese and a crispy baguette

Made in United States of America

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Provence, France is famous for its rolling fields of lavender where the best, true lavender honey is produced from its nectar. We can't transport our hives to this stunning environment so our North Carolina version uses the second best thing to lavender nectar - the actual flower. Floral .. but not too floral ... open a jar and travel to the South of France.

Spread on biscuits or croissants Add to Earl Grey or Chamomile tea Great as a side to figs, pears, any blue-veined cheese and a crispy baguette

Made in United States of America

Provence, France is famous for its rolling fields of lavender where the best, true lavender honey is produced from its nectar. We can't transport our hives to this stunning environment so our North Carolina version uses the second best thing to lavender nectar - the actual flower. Floral .. but not too floral ... open a jar and travel to the South of France.

Spread on biscuits or croissants Add to Earl Grey or Chamomile tea Great as a side to figs, pears, any blue-veined cheese and a crispy baguette

Made in United States of America

9 oz

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